17 Eylül 2008 Çarşamba

26 Mayıs 2008 Pazartesi

Моментна снимка от Търговище

Моментна снимка от Търговище

22 Mayıs 2008 Perşembe



MBR İleri Atıksu Arıtma

MBR İleri Atıksu Arıtma
MBR atıksu arıtımında en yeni teknolojidir. 1980'li yıllarda Japonyada kullanılmaya başlanmış, dünyada 1000 yakın endüstriyel ve evsel tesis bu teknoloji ile kurulmuştur. Özellikle, Avrupa Topluluğu gibi yüksek atıksu arıtma kriteri istenen ülkelerde, başta kentsel arıtmalar olmak üzere, gıda ve ilaç sanayinde başarıyla kullanılmaktadır.
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8 Nisan 2008 Salı


Area: 2,716 sq. km Population: 170,200Municipalities – 5: Antonovo, Omurtag, Opaka, Popovo and TargovishteRegional center: Targovishte
Targovishte Region is situated in North-Eastern Bulgaria in the fertile and picturesque Danube plain and covers the territory of 872 sq. km. It borders on the municipalities of Shoumen, Preslav, Omurtag, Popovo, Antonovo and Loznitsa. With its population of 60 890 residents and its 52 towns and villages, the municipality ranks eighth in the country by number of settlements, fifteenth - by territory and twenty-third - by population. It borders Ruse Region, Razgrad Region, Shumen Region, Sliven Region, and Veliko Tarnvo Region. The properties in these regions offer guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria. The relief is a combination of hills and plains. The territory of Targovishte municipality is characterized with variety and merging of plain, undulating and low mountain geographical formations, due to which the above sea-level varies from 150 to 690 meters. For the town of Targovishte it is 226 meters. A larger part of the municipal territory is located within the Fore-Balkan near by the northern slopes of Preslav Mountain, where the highest point - Kodzhakuz peak - 690m. The valley extensions of the rivers Vrana and Siva and the low mountain heights in the field of Targovishte are well distinguished earth formations. The territory of the region involves the eastern part of the Danubian Plain, the Popovo Uplands, and parts of the Razgrad Heights, the eastern fore-Balkan, and Lisa Mountains. The rivers have low waters and most of them dry out in summer. The Black Lom River, the Vrana River, and the Grand (Golyama) River are the larger among them. There are spa springs near Targovishte and Yastrebino is the largest dam. The region has transport importance and offers guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria. It is crossed by Hemus Highway and the Sofia-Varna railroad. Agriculture is well developed here. The Chardonnay and Muskat wines from the Targovishte Region are prominent all over the world. Covered with dense forests. The territories of the region have been populated since distant ancient times. A lot of settlement mounds, ceramics, and idol plastic art have been discovered. The architectural culture in Polyanitza gives us an idea about the life in the Chalcolythic Age, and the Neolithic Age is represented through the archaeological culture in Ovcharovo. A Thracian masonry mound has been discovered at the village of Kranevo along with a gold treasure from the 3rd century BC (it is preserved in the History Museum of Targovishte). There are remains of the Thracian culture at Gorna Zlatitza, Dralfa, Opaka, Pirinetz, Krepcha and elsewhere. The lands of the region were within the boundaries of Khan Asparuh’s Bulgaria as early as the state was established. New fortresses were built and the old ones were restored. Remnants from them can be found at many places – in the vicinity of Targovishte, Opaka, Omurtag, Razdeltzi. There are conditions at hand for hunting and ecotourism in the region.The administrative town of Targovishte is a regional and municipal center in the south-east of Bulgaria. The territory of Targovishe municipality is 69 159 ha, which represents 0.62% of the territory of the country. It is borders with Shumen municipality, Veliki Preslav municipality, Omurtag municipality, Popovo municipality, Antonovo municipality and Loznitsa municipality. The city is near to the country border points of Varna (110 km. far) and Russe (100km. far) and that fact makes it a natural strategic crossroad, due to that the region offers guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria. The link through Kotel to South Bulgaria is very convenient as well. Central road transport thoroughfares - 78 km. of the total 1144 kilometers long road net of the region cross the territory to the four directions. Thirteen kilometers away of the town of Targovishte, the Targovishte airport base is situated. Its existence is an advantage for the region and its reconstruction is foreseen so that it will serve the territory of three districts - Targovishte, Shoumen and Razgrad.
The archeological data show that there has been a certain human existence at that place even during the copper and stone epoch (halkolyt) - V-IV millenium BC. Remains of antiquity of Thracian settlements (V - IV century BC), a settlement from the Roman epoch (V - III century AD) and a fortress from the Early Byzantine epoch (V - VI century) have been discovered in the surroundings of the town. The “Polianitsa” and “Ovcharovo” cultures have been identified. For “Polianitsa” there are evidences proving the existence of urban development conception since the end of the early Neolith. Near the village of Kralevo the world-known “Kralevo treasure” has been found which dates back in the III century B.C. A settlement from the First Bulgarian country, a settlement and a fortress from the Second Bulgarian country have been discovered. Since 1573 in the taxation register of the Ottoman Empire the old name of the settlement - Eski Dzhumaya is encountered for the first time. In 1658 it becomes an administrative centre. The geographical location, the prosperous crafts and trade turn Eski Dzhumaya into a centre of the most famous fair in the European part of the Ottoman Empire. Here traders from Austria, Germany, England, Russia, and the Near East exhibit their products. The influence of the European culture and the eagerness for knowledge give grounds for an alert educational activity. Since ХVІІІ century a monastery school has been established here, which has been reconstructed into a non-clerical one in 1846. The eminent representative of the Bulgarian National Revival, Petko R. Slaveykov used to be a teacher in it. During that time a Christian church and a cultural club have been built up in the town. During the period of the Revival Targovishte keeps its fame of a centre of fairs and crafts. A great number of crafts flourish - manufacture of homespun, manufacture of goats-hair products, braid manufacture, shoemaker's industry and others. The leaders of the Bulgarian National Revival Sava Gerenov and Sava Katrafilov become initiators of education and progress. After the Liberation a fast economic and cultural development of the town is reached. Its commercial traditions give grounds for the change of its name from Eski Dzhumaya into Targovishte in 1934. In 1958 it becomes a regional administrative centre.
The budget of Targovishte municipality is to the amount of 13 163 543, 52.69 % of which is own income, 38.95% a subsidy from the Republican budget and 8.36% budget deficiency. The own incomes in the municipal budget are received from the taxation on people incomes, taxation on the profit, municipal taxation, property taxation. The activities for financial support of the education, social insurance and support, health care, culture, BKS and the environment protection, the support of the municipal administration are financed by the municipal budget. The region is a strategic point for investment and offers guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria.The sectors listed below are the leading industry sectors in the municipality: food and tobacco industry - 53,9%, trade and repairs of automobile and households' equipment - 15,6%, production of electro-technical machines and equipment - 18,6%, tailoring industry - 5,7%, timber and woodworking industry - 3,7%. Trade, light industry, transportation and real estate industry have prevailing share in the private sector. The Real estate sector offers guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria. Only 2, 44% from the net revenues from sales of production, goods and services come from the public sector, and 97, 56% - from the private sector. Most of the enterprises in the municipality are small and medium sized. They count for 98% of the total number of the working enterprises. The terrain and the climate conditions set prerequisites for the leading importance of the plant-growing and stock-breeding in the economy of the municipality. 57, 2% from the agricultural fund are cultivable lands. Wheat, barley, corn, sunflower, fruits and vegetables are mainly grown there. The stock-breeding in the municipality is small-sized and is entirely concentrated in the private sector. For its future development it is necessary to increase the volumes, to improve the quality of the production and to make a name on the foreign markets. Farming is among the main industries taking up 11 per cent of the overall production activities. The main crops in the output are barley, corn, wheat, sunflower seed, fruit, vegetables, meat and milk. The traditional spring fair called Targovishte Exhibition is instrumental for the development of the region. More than 6,251 companies have been registered in Targovishte Municipality. Most of them are traditional industrial enterprises. The leading branches of industry are: foodstuffs industry; soft and hard drinks production; real estate industry- offering guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria; service repair of automobiles and household appliances; manufacture of electrical machinery and equipment; tailoring industry; lumbering and woodworking. There are 9 companies owned by the municipality. The companies of greatest importance for the development of the municipality are: Energia AD, a producer of batteries; Bottling Company OOD; LVK Vinprom Targovishte, wine production; Mizia - Milk, processing of dairy products, a holder of certificate for export to EU; Mebel Stil, furniture manufacturer; Bozhur, Yai Mod and Dzheteka, tailored goods manufacturers. The two plants of the Turkish company Shishedzham AD, Istanbul for flat glass and glass articles production which construction started in July 2004 near Targovishte will indisputably give a positive impetus to the economy of the municipality. The investment which counts to USD 160 millions is the biggest one made in the country during the last ten years. Approximately 700 new job openings are offered.In all state artificial lakes in the municipality - totally 20 in numbers (with water areas from 5 to 100 decares), an industrial fish-breeding and fishing is accomplished, to which "Irrigation Systems" SLTD - Targovishte branch, according to signed loan contracts has given the right to accomplish this activity. Best results, concerning that show the enterprise "Fish-breeding and fish-processing" (with 20% state participation), which has rented the artificial lakes Saedinenie and Cherkovna. The annual fishing of river fish varies within 100 and 200 tons
Structure of the registered companies by sectors (%)Industry - 13.4; Construction - 2.7; Agriculture and forestry - 5.1; Transport - 10.2;Trade and purchasing - 51.9; Other sectors of the in-kind production - 1.3; Residential Buildings Construction and public utilities - 2.1; Science and scientific services - 0.1; Education - 4.7; Culture and art - 2.5; Health care, social insurance - 1.8; Finances, Grants and Insurance - 1.1; Management - 2.7;Other sectors of the non-production sphere - 0.4 Investment planThe privatization of the municipal property has already finished in general. The privatization of the state property is still on. A major problem of the privatization of state and municipal property is the shortage of investment credits for a regulation of the reconstruction of the privatize enterprise with the purpose of reaching qualitative parameters required by the markets. The municipality follows a single-minded policy for development of the economic significance of Targovishte fair along with the providing of a new meaning to its content and organization of production and commercial exhibitions and offering guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria. Under the complicated conditions in which our country is, unforeseen processes in the agricultural life have appeared. The provision of the production with orders, raw stuffs and materials has decreased and as a result of it the loading of the production capacities has been reduced to 60%.
Priority projectsConstruction of the city waste water treatment plant; conversion to natural gas of the residential users in the city, guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria. A light-saving energy efficiency project for the lighting of the city and local villages has been completed. The municipality is working on modern ways of collecting, transportation and disposal of waste. A project for the reconstruction of the water supply network in Targovishte has been designed. The interest of investors is attracted by unoccupied municipal terrains and their prospective use for the construction of food producing and other industrial enterprises. The implementation of a joint Bulgarian-Dutch project for the production of decorative roses is forthcoming. The Turkish investor Shishejam has started the construction of two plants for flat household glass.
Taxation and social insurance system - stakes and taxes, duties The taxation and social insurance system of the municipality are part of the national ones. Only the local duties determined by the municipal council are specific. Some of the major taxes are: A tax for domestic scraps - it is determined by a confirmed by the Municipal council stake promile to the taxation valuation of housing properties or to the balanced value of the non-residential property. The active stake is 3.5 per a thousand promile for the residential properties and 10 per a thousand for the non-residential ones.
Major objectives in the programme of the municipal administration: Improving the infrastructure with the purpose of increasing the investment attractiveness; Establishment of an international net with towns of fellowship, mainly from the countries - members of the European Union, with the purpose to implement mutual projects under SAPARD programme; Economic stabilizing through effective utilization of the local resources and purposive encouragement of the private initiative and attraction of investments; Support and encouragement of the development of small and middle enterprises and establishment of a business incubator and business center; The attraction of foreign and local investors who are able to guarantee markets for the final products of agriculture and food, wine and tobacco industry will be encouraged in the sphere of agriculture; Reduction of the unemployment and improvement of the population
quality of life.
Associations, memberships, twin-cities and partnershipsTargovishte Municipality is a member of the National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria. The municipality is also a member of the National Bulgarian City Secretaries' Association. The association has been granted the Golden Star Award by the EU for improving the interaction of European towns by means of joint projects. International contacts with the following towns have been established: Cottbus, Germany; Surain, France, Santa Maria de Feira, Portugal; Kosani, Greece; Targovishte, Romania, Smolensk, Russia.
The climatic conditions are typical for the temperately continental climate. The territory of the municipality is part of the temperate-continental climate zone with average monthly temperature of +10.7 °С. Cold north-eastern winds blow during the winter months and blow away the blanket of snow and blight with frost the winter wheat. The violent snowstorms in winter cause snow drifts which affect the transport. The summer is hot and dry. This necessitates the artificial watering. Humid wind masses push from the south-west and the west during the spring. The transfer of tropical wind masses in the summer has no less significance for the climate formation. Winds with north-western and south-western direction prevail in the region. The north-western ones are longer and stronger. The average wind speed is 4-5 m/sec. They are stronger in the winter and the autumn, and during the summer they are weak and it is quite stuffy in the plain area. The duration of the sunshine is 2250 hours annually. This factor increases the guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria. The average annual temperature is 10.7 degree, and the average quantity of the rainfalls is 585 mm. The astronomic location of the town of Targovishte is determined by the coordinates - 43 degrees 13 minutes 7 seconds northern latitude and 26 degrees 24 minutes 4 seconds eastern longitude. The rainfalls are distributed irregularly throughout the whole year. The minimum of rainfalls is in June and July, and the maximum - in January and February. The major maximum is in May (65-90 mm per sq.m.), and the major minimum - in February (29-38 mm per sq.m.). The average annual quantity of rainfalls is between 550 and 680 mm. They are comparatively few in the winter and the blanket of snow is unstable which is due to the strong winds that blow it away.
The territory of the municipality of Targovishte is characterized by its variety and the alternation of plain, hilly and low-mountain relief, which results in a wide range of altitudes - from 150m up to 690m. The altitude of the town of Targovishte is 170m. The prevailing part of the municipality is situated in the Fore-Balkan close to the northern side of the Preslavska Mountain, which highest point is the peak "Kodzhakus" - 690m. The northern part of the territory is situated in the Targovishte field along the river Vrana. The geological studies show that the soil texture of the different regions varies from 1 to 2 meters soil layer of black and brown wood soils. The region is characterized with lack of shallow subterranean waters.The role of the forests as a factor for environment balance redress is extremely important. In the past the region of Targovishte has been covered by virgin and impenetrable forests. From that ancient heritage of the centuries some century-old trees from different sorts can be found at many places today Interesting legends and myths are connected to those trees.
Number of populationToward 31.12.1999 the permanent population in Targovishte municipality is 61 794 people (30 312 men and 31 482 women). 39 579 people live in the town and 22 215 in the villages.
Natural mineral resourcesThe region to the south-east of the route Bayachevo - Lilyak - Tsvetnitsa is rich of first quality rock materials with confirmed industrial reserves. In the deposits of Boaza mine - Svirdzhi bair there is 3.5 millions cubic meters of reserves, in Lilyak - 25 millions cubic meters, and in Kralevo- 18 millions cubic meters, where the construction of an united economic entity, satisfying the needs of the whole North-eastern part of Bulgaria is possible. "Paidushko" quarry has unexplored reserves. "Lilyak" quarry produces 264 thousands cubic meters of crashed stone materials for the needs of the road construction on the territory of the region. The most perspective quarry is "Kralevo", which exploited by State Company "Highroads Cherno more" - Shumen, to Major Road Department. Annually about 130-140 thousand cubic meters of inert materials for construction are produced. Besides the confirmed reserves of 18 150 000 cubic meters there are about 270 decares forest fund with forecasted reserves of about 14 000 000 cubic meters are to be exploded. The deposits of clay marls which are 1 km far from the town, of red clay for ceramics -for production of ceramics and tiles are of an industrial importance. In the region of Targovishte, Alexandrovo and Probuda there are reserves of 1800 000 cubic meters (about 70 decares).
Water resourcesWater resources in Targovishte municipality are not sufficient. The river system includes Vrana River and its tributaries - Siva River, Kalaydzhi dere, Ovchersko dere and Dalgashko dere. Vrana River starts from the heights around near by Omurtag - passes the picturesque area Boaza, through the town of Targovishte and near the railway station Han Krum run into Golyama Kamchiya River. The length of the river is 47 km. Its capacity is quite variable and it varies of 12 cubic meters per second to 25.20 cubic meters per second. The river flow is not equally distributed during the year in the summer season it goes down quite much. The water layers along the river ledge are of small capacities, with insignificant static and dynamic supplies. Siva River is the second important one in the municipality. The artificial lake Ticha on the land of Preslav municipality supplies with water the town of Targovishte. The necessary quantity of water for drinking and domestic needs is to the amount of 210 l/sec. The water supply for the population in the villages is mainly from local water basins. The water of Targovishte mineral spring Boaza, which has 1.2 - 2.7 l/sec debit, is used rationally as well for the holiday properties, which offers guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria. The water in the artificial lake is alkaline, cool, without smell, with pleasant taste and high degree of heeling virtues; it is bottled and sold in the country and abroad. The artificial lakes Saedinenie, Ovcharovo, Vardun, Polyanitsa, Preselets, Presiyan, Lilyak, Fiseka have an economic designation.
Flora and fauna The climatic conditions, the nature of the rocky ground and the soils determine the character of the flora. There are conditions for oak, hornbeam and mixed deciduous cultures on the undulating terrain. In the higher areas there are beech forests and lime-trees. The forestations in 1980 are mainly with coniferous species and the black pine-tree prevails. Protected species: fields of Urumovo tulip, Greek and black sea Vedritsa, forest anemone, mad herb, marsh snowdrop, Olivierov crocus, spring cyclamen, spring catkin, etc.; rare species - few kinds of iris, fraxinella, 6 kinds of orchids, koilo, snowdrop, peony, forest primrose, etc.; century-old trees The animal world is rich of representatives from quite various and interesting groups of vertebrates, which is due to the variety of the landscape of the municipality of Targovishte, which has terrestrial and water ecosystems of different scales and complex combination of biological and anthropological environmental factors. This guarantees the development of the following tourist potential:Fishing tourism - 16 kinds of babushka, river chub, red-fin, tench, skobar, ordinary gudgeon, barbell and mountain barbell, ordinary karakuda, silver karakuda, carp, etc.; fishes from the families of Pike, Sheat-fish, Thornfin and others.Hunting tourism - there are possibilities for hunting of deer, hinds, wild boars, rabbits, foxes and others. Some game forest reserves exist under the jurisdiction of the State Forestry. On the territory of the municipality of Targovishte there is a game preserve of 300 hectares, where rare and demanded game could be found - deer, hinds, wild boars, foxes, barger holes, wolves, etc.The bird world shows a big variety of species. Some live in the forest areas, some - in the plain. Object of hunting are: partridges, pheasants, quails, pigeons, turtle-doves.
Forest resourcesAlmost 1/4 of the municipal territory is occupied by the forest fund. The total forest area which has a national importance is 163 277 decares. The average age of the forest fund is 31 years. The timber reserves are 1.9 million cubic meters. The prevailing types of forests are: coniferous - 29 016 decares black-pine trees cultures; deciduous - 116 880 decares, 16 411 decares are high-stem, 93 353 decares - sprouts, 5116 decares - acacias. The most spread species among the deciduous cultures are: hornbeam - 36%, oak tree - 10%, oak - 9%, beech - 8%, lime-tree - 6%, and others - 8%. In accordance with the Forestry project from 1992 on the territory of Nation Forestry - Targovishte, a complete soil preparation of about 200 decares, mainly of inferior and low-productive cultures for reconstruction is accomplished. After this procedure the areas are forestated with more precious tree species, which conform to the place of existence. EcologyThe ecological control is carried out according to environment factors and components. The existing legislation, the method for coordination of control, applied the different institutions. Тhe professional qualification and in-kind equipment base still do not give a chance for an integrated control of the environment pollutants. The quality environment is centralized. The local authorities control the insignificant causes of pollution and undertake actions for optimizing the environment that are to be applied in accordance with the Law for local authority and administration.
Air conditionsConsidering the air pollution Targovishte municipality is not associated with the regions, determined as "hot points", located in the most affected air regions. Industrial manufactures show minimum negative influence on the qualities of the environment elements - atmospheric air, waters, and acoustic regime. Extra air pollution is added by the heating installations in the town during winter.
Spots under protection The natural beauty spots under protection on the territory of Targovishte municipality are totally 31, 6 of which are natural places of interest: the waterfall in Boaza area, the rocky formation Konya /The Horse/, Derventska cave, the copse Petka Balkan, the place of existence of Urumovo tulip in Svirdzhi bair location, Iglikina meadow - the place of existence of the yellow cowslip. 8 types of trees are under protection.
Central transport thoroughfares cross in the four directions the territory of the municipality. The first quality road - І-4 "Sofia - Veliko Tarnovo - Varna", crosses the town of Targovishte. It is also foreseen that the "Hemus" highway will go close to the town - at the distance of 1-15 km. The municipality disposes of two railroad stations situated on the line Sofia - Gorna Oriahovitsa - Varna. Thirteen kilometers away from the city you can find the base of the airport "Targovishte", which has a unique position: 25 km away from Shoumen and 30 km away from Razgrad. The town’s proximity to the two exit points of the country - the city of Varna and the city of Rousse makes it to a natural strategic crossing on those two routes. These advantages of the infrastructure increase the guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria. There is a convenient road connection via the town of Kotel to the southern Bulgaria. The central road transporting arteries cross the municipal area in 4 directions. The total municipal highway network covers 282,2 km, which is partially being reconstructed under the EU PHARE Programme. The Sofia - Varna railway section also passes by the town. 13 km away from Targovishte there is the base of Targovishte Airport. It represents a clear advantage for the municipality. The municipality possesses well-developed power and telecommunication networks. In the municipality there is well functioning modern telecommunication system as well as full access to Internet. Three telecom companies, namely "Mobikom", "Globul", and "Mobiltel" provide for the coverage of the mobile networks, which is another atavantage increasing the guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria. Currently gas network is being developed. The industry zone and the social institutions in the town of Targovishte are entirely gas supplied. In the moment the gas network for the households is being developed. The creation of a purifying station for waste waters in the town of Targovishte is forthcoming under the ISPA programme. The water supply of the settlements is higher than the average for the country despite of the scarcity of the water resources. Close to the town of Targovishte as well as in the town itself there are few mineral springs with healing and prophylactic characteristics. In order to meet the industry needs for water 37 dam lakes were created at the territory of the municipality.
Transport infrastructureThe transport net in the municipality includes 282.2 km road net. It is distributed as it follows: First class - 34.6 km Second class - 34.0 km Forth class - 214.2 km The road segments, constructed under the Projects for reconstruction of transit roads, financed by the European Investment Bank and PHARE, are in very good and good condition. Railway transport The citizens of the municipality have a railway transport connection to all major centres in the country. The constructed railway station on the line Sofia - Gorna Oryahovitsa - Varna provides normal schedule of departures and arrivals of passengers and loads. The flow of passengers and loads is constant. The railway transport is stable and at a high technical level - equipped with the necessary equipment. Presently it works with 30-35% capacity.
Automobile transportThe automobile transport in the municipality is provided by private companies, and the major transport company is "Targovishte - Autotransport". The company has a good building, in-kind base and garage ground. There are excellent executive personnel as well to take care for both the exploitation and the maintenance of the machine park. The bus transport companies are of service for the inhabited areas as they provide minimum two transport links per day. The technical condition of the used automobiles is satisfactory, but the service standard is under the average one for the country.
Air transport13 km. far from the town of Targovishte the base of Targovishte Airport is located. It is a good facility for the region, but because of the lack of financial resources at the present moment it is actually not used. The economic development of the three - Targovishte county, Shoumen county and Razgrad county at a certain stage will definitely necessitates more involved participation in the economic life of such an important infrastructure unity as Targovishte airport is. It is located at an immediate proximity of the village of Buhovtsi, 25 km. far from Shumen and 30 km. far from Razgrad. Its unique location gives a chance for service of a larger region, which includes the three of the present counties and is a good opportunity for increasing the guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria. The airport starts to function in 1969.
Water supply and Sewerage98.5% of the municipal population uses water of the central water sources. Water supply of the residential areas is on a higher level considering the average one for the country. All the 41residential places have fashionable water supply from the region and from the other regions, but only 20 of them are supplied with water within the normative conditions up to 100% and for the rest 21 are provided with 32% to 70% of water considering the normative conditions. The water quality is controlled by the experts from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Institute and is observed by analysis from a chemical-biological laboratory to the association. Water disinfection is accomplished by means of ionization and chlorination. The single purifying station (Micro filtrating ionization station) is located in the town of Targovishte and supply with water only the regional town. Technologically the water is filtrated by 2 pieces micro filters with total capacity of 400l/sec, which later is ozoned in cameras.
CommunicationsThe municipality possesses well-developed power and telecommunication networks. In the municipality there is well functioning modern telecommunication system as well as full access to Internet - advantages guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria. Three telecom companies, namely "Mobikom", "Globul", and "Mobiltel" provide for the coverage of the mobile networks. Currently gas network is being developed. The technological region "Telecommunications" - Targovishte services all residential areas in Targovishte municipality. The active subscriber lines are distributed in 41 residential telephone nets and the density of the subscriber lines has reached 34.10 per 1000 people. In the Regional Telecommunication district
- Targovishte, there is an established and active radio-translation telephone exchange. 35 lines connecting villages for transferring data and Internet access are provided for utilization to different companies and organizations. The existing telecommunication infrastructure in Targovishte municipality is established with analogue type equipment. The communication net is well developed and covers all residential areas since there is a possibility for conducting an automatic telephone conversation. The telephone lines connecting villages are accomplished through an analogue or direct ways, as for the town of Targovishte around 80% are accomplished through a digital transfer. Four Internet centers function. The production net depends more and more on the information technologies and the guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria as well. Even the modest sectors of the economics now require a large access to the informational nets, to Internet, to the inner national nets of different enterprises and sectors, and at law expenses. The electronic trade which is provided by Internet has a significant importance.
Electricity supplyThere is a well established electricity supply net in Targovishte municipality. "Electricity supply - Varna" SLTD, Targovishte branch is a constituent part of "Electricity supply - Varna" SLTD within the structure of State Administrative Electricity Supply. The enterprise provides services on the territory of Targovishte municipality. A constituent unit of "Electricity supply - Varna" SLTD, Targovishte branch is Targovishte technical region. The electricity supply of Targovishte municipality is provided by two subordinate stations КV - Targovishte-north and Targovishte-south, with total installation and transformation power of 100 MVA. The connection between the subordinate stations is by power cable 110 kV.
Gas supplyThe gas supply in the town of Targovishte is developed. There are established gas-mains for the supply of the industrial zone in the town (12 enterprises) with total length 7516 km. The major industrial enterprises social places have been supplied with gas. The usage of the gas for domestic needs is about to be provided. Construction activities of the second stage of gas supply in the town of Targovishte are carried out at the moment and the places from the social sphere have a priority.
The region is attractive for tourism during all seasons thanks to its beautiful natural sites and rich cultural and historical heritage. There are possibilities for development of cultural and urban, adventurous and hunting tourism, ecotourism, photo-safari and sports fishing. These possibilities guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria. A number of comfortable family and business hotels operate in the town of Targovishte as well as in the surrounding areas. Besides the peace and the silence, the numerous cultural monuments, the scenery and the mineral springs the visitors of the town could also enjoy the traditional culinary specialties of the region and could taste local wines with international acknowledgement. The clean countryside and the presence of a number of lakes are a prerequisite for the development and guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria. The natural gifts and the location of Targovishte municipality in combination with with the historical heritage are premises for the progress and variety of the tourist activity. A certain advantage is its proximity to the tourists’ centers of Veliki Proslav, Pliska, Veliko Tarnovo. The hunting and hiking area of the municipality occupies 3 sq. km. The forests belonging to a resort take up 170,000 sq.m in the Boaza Area. Due to the healing properties of the famous Targovishte mineral water a balneology resort has been built.
CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL TOURISMThe specific architectural and historical appearance of the town of Targovishte started to get formed in the ХIХ century. On the municipal territory you could find a rich cultural and historical heritage.
ECOTOURISM The ecologically protected regions “Gerlovo” and “Sarta” are placed on the territory of the municipality of Targovishte. They together with the beautiful forest massifs in the areas “Parka” and “Boaza”, the dam-lakes and the landmarks set the prerequisites for the development of the ecotourism. Some regional tourist itineraries are already developed as for example – “Parka” area – hut “Mladost” – village of Prolaz.
BALNEO-THERAPEUTICAL TOURISMA sanatorium – tourist complex is created based on the healing properties of the famous mineral water of Targovishte "Boaza". The spas in the region are attracting many tourists, which guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria.
SPORTS TOURISMSports orientation, bicycle-tourism, water tourism, cave tourism and walking tourism are traditionally developed on the territory of the municipality. Also the following sports are traditionally popular in Targovishte – football, motoring, wrestling, table–tennis, rifle practice, eurhythmics and others.
RURAL TOURISMPlenty of family hotels and private lodgings are suitable for rural tourism, they guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria. The bulk of the village houses in the region are small farms, where you could feel the unique rural atmosphere. There are itineraries along natural paths.
HUNTING AND FISHING TOURISMOn the territory of the municipality of Targovishte there is a game preserve of 300 hectares, where rare and demanded game could be found – deer, hinds, wild boars, foxes, barger holes, wolves, etc. The bird world shows a big variety of species. Objects of hunting are: partridges, pheasants, quails, pigeons, turtle-doves. Plenty of dam lakes in the region offer opportunities for fishing tourism. There is a hunting tourist region - 300 hectares, where game of rare types which is attractive for hunting to the foreigners and for increasing the guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria from hunting tourism, which they expect. Beautiful green forests massifs encircle all the historical places and tourist's chalets. The resort forests are 1.7 hectares in the region of Boaza.
WINE TOURISMWine-production and vine-growing are traditional sectors in the economy of the municipality of Targovishte. The company “LVK-Vinprom” AD is domiciled in Targovishte and is famous for its traditions in the production of high-quality white and red wines, fizzy and natural fizzy wines, vermouth and strong alcoholic drinks. Well-known abroad and in the country are the following white and red wines – white ones: Traminer, Shardone, Muscat, Sovignon Blanc and red ones: Caberne Sovignon reserve and Merlot reserve. Near the village of Kralevo the tourists could visit the vineyard massifs, from which the famous wine “Kralevski misket” is produced.
On the territory of the municipality there are 5 professional schools - colleges of mechanics, of economic computer study, of building construction, of catering and agriculture. Education after finishing the secondary education is provided for the following qualifications: Economist - computer specialist - extra-mural education according to PHARE programme Accountancy - extra-mural education according to PHARE programme Economist market survey specialist - extra-mural education (Bulgarian-Danish College)
Health care
Health care services are provided to the population by the Regional Hospital - Targovishte. It is an independent commercial association with 51% state participation. On the territory of the town the only Sanitary Epidemiological Inspection Department for the region is located. Medical establishment registered according to the Law for the Medical. The population is provided with 70.62% hospital beds. According to the plan the doctors are 22.71%, 19.96% - physical persons, 73.44% of them are qualified. According to the plan the dentists are 5.57%, 3.30% - physical persons, including 77.08% with a qualification. The medical personnel with secondary and college education according to the plan are 73.92%, and 69.86% - physical persons.
Culture and arts
Museums National archive treasures 114 866 archival entities. It has a specialized base and fund depositories in the town of Targovishte. The historical museum is located in an independent administrative building with specialized studios, fund depositories and a library. There are three constant exhibitions: a general historic (in the building of "St. Sedmochislenitsi" school), archeological (in the building "Hadzhi Rusi" school) and ethnographic (in Hadzhiangelov's house). Totally 28 424 museum entities are treasured in the museum. The house of the colour-bearer of Botev's band, Nikola Kuruto is of interest. Historical classes for the students at different ages are held here.
Libraries and cultural clubsThere are 39 village cultural clubs on the territory of the municipality. They have been provided with a suitable base gratuitously. The big building of cultural club "Napredak" is situated in the very centre of the town. The amateur art activities groups - ballet formation "Targovishte", Children's musical school, Theatre studio are located in it. The regional library in the town of Targovishte has 322 725 library entities. It has 6 reading-rooms with 100 seats.
ArtThere are two functioning theatres in the town of Targovishte. The drama theatre has the status of a state open scene. There are two spectator's halls - with 500 and with 90 seats. The spectator's hall of the Puppet theatre has 125 seats. The base is a municipal property and is provided for management by the theatre. Targovishte is an authoritative cultural centre, a place of prestigious traditional national and international activities: an international planner for aquarelle to the name of Prof. Nikola Marinov (a mutual manifestation of the Ministry of culture, The Bulgarian artists union and Targovishte municipality), Celebrations of girls an women choirs, Theatrical feast "Days of the great theatre in the small town", international feast of professional performances for children "The magic curtain", national art exhibition "Aquarell". The public brass band is preserved as well. It holds regular public performances. In the cultural variety the performances of the professional folk ensemble "Miziya", of the children's dance ensemble "Targovishte", of the dance musical centre "Christmas - LVK" and the ensembles "Demet" and "Romano ilo" are included. The orchestras for choir singing in Targovishte are with well established traditions - Ladies chamber choir and the mixed choir "Rodna pesen". The children's choir "Boncho Bonev" has gained special popularity. The art gallery which is named after the famous Bulgarian artist Nikola Marinov, born in Targovishte has the richest aquarelle collection of Bulgarian and World-famous artists - 2633 works (1739 - paintings, 722 - black and white drawing, 172 - sculptures). It is enriched each year with grants of the planner held. Here the best aquarelles of professor Nikola Marinov are preserved, whose work possesses dramatic power and plastic potential, marvelous delicacy end sophisticated poetic accent. The art gallery is located on 3000 sq. m. in-door expositional area. Bulgarian science union in Bulgaria, the Association to the Writer's union, the Association to the architecture's union in Bulgaria, the Association to the Union of journalists, artists and musicians is located on own property /base.
There are 151 monuments of culture and 907 archeological sites in the area, which guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria, from sightseeing tourism. The number of natural sights under protection is 31. Six of them are tourist sites. Places of interest are the rock figure Konya (the Horse), the fields of Urumov Tulip, the castle walls of Kroumovo Kale Castle. In the village of Cherkovna an apse basilica dating back to 13-11 c. AD has been discovered. The wooden circular chancel-screen makes St. Ivan Rilski Temple unique. The temple holds the tomb of the New York metropolitan bishop Andrei, the benefactor of Targovishte.
Krumovo kaleThe “Krumovo Kale” castle is situated seven kilometers away of Targovishte along the road to Omurtag. Its ancient ruins spread over more than 150 decares. The castle was erected during the time of Ustinian І in the end of the V century as a part of the defensive system of Byzantium. Its purpose was to block the Slavs, Proto-Bulgarians and Gothic attacks. The castle has been ruined before the establishment of the Bulgarian state. In the end of ІХ century a Bulgarian settlement with dug-outs of the early Middle Ages was founded over the ruins of the castle. During ХІІ - ХІV centuries the castle wall had been rearranged and become again part of a defensive system this time of the capital Veliko Tarnovo. The castle was one of the three defending points for the Derventa passage.From both sides of the entry gate there are two U-shaped towers. Inside there are residential buildings and a classic basilica with room for baptism. The remains of the stone walls are only 1.5 – 2 meters high, but even so they are quite impressive as they are 1 meter thick.In the castle there is an excavated necropolis from the ХІV century. The whole field beyond the wall has been a settlement. Only the feudal ruling top has lived in the castle. .After the latest studies of the castle, the opinion of the archaeologist Angel Konakliev (specialist from the Historical museum, Targovishte) that it is very probable that the Krumovo Kale is the famous town of Misionis has gained popularity.
Basilica and sanctuary of the god Apolon in the village of DraganovetsAttractive archaeological complex, consisting of a Thracian sanctuary from II-IV century, dedicated to Heros and the god Apolon, a Byzantine basilica from V-VI century and the only glaze-kiln for construction ceramics articles. It is announced for cultural monument of local importance in the Official Gazette – issue 70/31.08.1976The Thracian sanctuary has the form of a rectangle, sized 18m/10м. The marble votive tablets, found during the excavations are dedicated mostly to Apolon, but there are also such dedicated to Zevs and Demetra. On one of the tablets the epithet AULUSADA was found to be written – an epithet used for Apolon only in the sanctuary in Draganovets. In a later period an early-Byzantine basilica sized 20m/30m has been built over the sanctuary. A developed settlement has existed around the basilica. In XII century, after the expansion of the small early-Byzantine settlement, over the ruins of the Thracian sanctuary, the basilica and the late-antique settlement, a Bulgarian settlement of the late Middle Ages has grown which had connections with the mediaeval Bulgarian castle “Marnata”.
Kaz Ana TekeAt the eastern end of the village of Momino you can find the historical monument Kaz Ana Teke. The place is worshipped by the Muslims and is better known as Kazylbashko religious place. It is a brick building, inside of which the grave of the saint is situated. The legend says that a golden-haired girl named Zuhre (Venus), the only child in her family one evening sheltered god’s messengers. She gave them water and a towel and after they had washed she didn’t throw away the dirty water but drunk it. The water had miraculous power and made her invisible and immortal. A voice told her that if she kept her virginity she would get a power to help all people who were in trouble. In token of this promise she named herself Kaz Ana (the mother virgin). The people built a fountain where many pilgrims gather also today with hope for healing, health and luck.
Hadji Angelova houseHadji Angelova house is an architectural monument of local importance from the XIXth century, where the ethnographical exhibition of the Historical Museum of Tragovishte is placed.It is built in 1863 by masters from Triavna and is a sample of a symmetric house from the period of the Bulgarian National Revival with wood-carved decoration and architectural details modern for that time – French –fashion, stone stove.
The School Hadji RussiThe archaeological exhibition of the Historical museum is placed here. It covers the chronological period from the VII-th millennium B.C. to the XIV-th century. The Neolithic, the Heliolithic, the Bronze Age, the Antiquity and the Middle Ages are presented. The exhibits are placed in seven halls with total area of 354 sq. m. Amongst them there are some unique exponents with no analogue, such as for example the famous religious scene from the village of Ovcharovo, the gold-plated ceramic urn from the village of Kralevo (III century B.C.), the combined silver surgery instrument from Ljublen (II century) and others.
The Historical Museum - TargovishteIt keeps a rich fund of more than 27 000 museum exhibits, material and documentary monuments from the Neolith up to today. It is situated in the living quarter Varosha, built in the period of the Bulgarian National Revival. The museum is placed in five adapted ancient buildings from the ХІХ and the ХХ century.
The School St.St. Sedmochislenitsi The building is a cultural monument of national importance. It was built in 1863 as a secular school and is unique and rare in its scale for the period of the Bulgarian National Revival. Petko R. Slavejkov has taught in the school. This is why it is known as the “Slavejkov school”. The building is deliberately placed as an entry to the ancient quarter “Varosha”. Its monumental character has always been bearer of the historical memory of our town.Today, the school is the building where the fund of the historical Museum (more than 30 000 museum exhibits) and the scientific library are kept.
Natural landmark “Vodopada” and natural landmark “Koniat”They are situated in the “Parka” area (7 km away from Targovishte), which was formed by the bed of the Vrana river, picturesquely cutting through the slopes of the Preslav mountain (a massif in the Eastern Stara Planina mountain).“Koniat” is a rock formation, which reminds the figure of a horse, and “Vodopada” is a small waterfall, formed by a small underground feeder of the river Vrana, going out on the rock.
Protected area Iglikina meadowIt is situated in the “Kajraka” area and covers territory of 8,3 hectares. It is announced as a protected area of the natural deposit of healing primrose – a plant with restricted use regime. Due to its beautiful nature, the closeness of the town of Targoviste and the natural combination of the protected area with the broad-leaved forest around, the area Iglikana meadow is visit all year round from non-organized tourists.
Natural landmark Derventska caveIt is situated on the slopes of the Preslav Mountain in the Prolazki passage –village of Prolaz. The cave is one of the very few in the region and is famous besides for its size and richness of eccentric formations but also for the curves of its lakes with cave pearls inside and the massive stalagmites, covered by red-brown up to pink and white crystals. The fauna in the cave is represented by dozens bats.
Protected area Petka BalkanIt is announced as a protected area so that to preserve a century-old forest situated over 5.4 hectares in the “Babakondu” area close to the village of Bratovo. The protected area is connected to historical events from the ХVI century and is included in legends about the convert to Mohammedanism of the local population. In nowadays celebrations and fairs are organized here by the locals.
Protected area Urumovo laleIt is situated on a steep stony, limy slope near the village of Pajdushklo. The natural deposit of the plant Urumovo tulip spread over 12.0 hectares is under protection and there you could find all the three types of that tulip – yellow, variegated and red. The last type is represented by rare specimens. The plant, Bulgarian endemism, is threatened with extinction and is included in the “Red Book” of Bulgaria.
Idirizova groveThe Idirizova grove is a group of seventeen century-old oaks with average age of 150 years, remains from an oak grove near the village of Dalgach, Targovishte municipality. Also there the “Four Oaks” could be found which present four century-old oaks of an approximate age of 300 years.
Province main towns
AntonovoAntonovo town is located in South-East Bulgaria, in the south-west part of Targovishte District. The municipality is on the border between Targovishte District, Veliko Tarnovo District and Sliven District. It is located in the Fore-Balkan region and comprises the hilly area of Slannik, the Antonovo Heights and the valleys of the rivers Golyama Reka and Stara Reka. The economy in this region is mono-structural, mainly concentrated in farming. The huge pasture grounds create very good conditions for the development of farming of animals bred for milk or meat. The production of honey and bee products and the collecting of wild berries, mushrooms and herbs are successful local enterprises. Farming tends to be of prior importance for the development of the municipality both in the short and long run. The development of the local industrial production is closely related to the development of farming and forestry, the extraction and processing industries. The sectors of clothing production, wood logging and metalworking are also present. The only plant producing road signs in Bulgaria is located in Antonovo. Bio-program EOOD buys and packages herbs. Other municipal companies are: Tuzlushki Gori EOOD, management of municipal forests and wood logging; Medica EOOD, trade of medicines and pharmaceuticals; Polyane EOOD, tailoring and shipping activities; Medical Centre 1. Up to now only one site has been privatized - the former public baths, restructured into a bread and pastry producing enterprise. Other municipal property suitable for prospective investments: former factory building of Tasiyka, town of Antonovo; former youth culture hall; former museum; estates owned by Polyane EOOD; former health service building, village of Yastrebino; former museum of the Kalaydzhijski brothers; grounds adjacent to a former inn; former schools in Buzhitsa Quarter, Erevish Quarter and the villages of Orach, Devino, Moravitsa, Pirinets, Kyosevtsi, etc; plots, yards, former health service buildings, bus stops, warehouses, commercial buildings and about 35 estates of arable land. It is on of the towns offering guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria. Places of interest are the Kaleto late-antique castle, The Roman Bridge, a number of historical castles. On the territory of Antonovo Municipality there are 137 monuments of culture, one art gallery and two documentary photography exhibitions. Forests take up 177,215,000 sq. m of land (over 30 per cent of the municipal territory). They consist primarily of deciduous species or are mixed: oak, hornbeam, ash, birch and beech. Coniferous species were planted in addition. These resources provide prerequisites for the development of less demanding forms of tourism - ecotourism, cognitive, hiking, etc. The unspoiled countryside, the mild winter and clean rivers of Antonovo Municipality make it suitable for the development of rural tourism, ecotourism and hunting. In the vicinity of the village of Stavkek are located the Roman Bridge, Kaleto Castle and Garbavata Cheshma (Hunched Water Fountain). Turning a part of the territory into a game-breeding place is being considered. An enjoyable area for relaxation is Yastrebino Lake surrounded by beaches and offering opportunities for fishing and water sports. There is unoccupied housing in the villages of Stara Rechka, Bogomolsko and Mechevo, which provide opportunities for turning the area of Stara Rechka into a tourist accommodation area.
OmurtagOmourtag town is situated in Northeastern Bulgaria in immediate closeness to the northern slopes of the Eastern Balkan Range, near Lissets Peak. The town is at 541 m altitude above sea level. The town is an important transport junction located on the main road Sofia - Varna, in the northern part of the Kotel pass through the Balkan Range. The road network is of 130 km length, of which 20 km are first-class roads. A major role in the economy is played by the light industry. The textiles industry is the fastest developing one. There is good tradition also in wood processing, which processes wood and produces semi-finished components for kitchen furniture. A relatively new type of activity in the economy of the Municipality is the production of artificial rubber items. Important role belongs also to the foodstuffs industry, milk and meat processing, the production of bread and confectionary products. The leading sector in the heavy industry is the automobile industry. The construction activity includes not only high and low construction, but also production of and trade in building materials. The agricultural sectors of stockbreeding and grains growing are developed. The good and improving development of the private sector is of particular importance. The small and medium companies in the Municipality carry out activities in trade, wood logging, foodstuffs industry and construction. Omourtag Municipality has concluded 39 privatization transactions. A large number of them were for the sale of stand-alone real estates. All the transactions were successful. Privatization transactions are to be carried out selling shares of a municipal company with transport as subject of activities. It is on of the towns offering guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria.The rich historical heritage of Omourtag town is related to its crossroad location. The town is the birthplace of Saint Joan Trapezoundski, who is one of the 63 Bulgarian saints. The halls of the historical museum show exhibits of the thousands of years of history and culture in the region. The space suit, worn by Alexander Alexandrov - the second Bulgarian astronaut - is of interest, too. It is the only space suit shown in an exhibition in Bulgaria. The parts of the old Osman Pazar that have been preserved are Saint Dimitar church (1851), the Menzilishka fountain (1779) and six houses of renaissance times. In general the environment in Omourtag Municipality is in perfect condition. There are no large polluters of the air, soil and water in the Municipality. Its favorable geographic location and the preserved natural environment are conducive to the development of rural, hunting and fishing tourism. This is one of the major aspects for development. The region has large game reserves, some of the species in them being red deer, roe, hare and wild boar. The Municipality has forest and mountain huts. At a distance of 16 km from Omourtag town is Lissets Peak (1,130 m), where wonderful conditions for winter tourism exist.
PopovoPopovo town is located in the northeastern part of the Republic of Bulgaria, in the Danubian Plain. The municipal center Popovo is a station on the railway line Varna-Sofia and at the crossing point of roads to Veliko Tarnovo, Byala, Ruse, Razgrad, Targovishte - Shumen, Omurtag and Antonovo. From the total territory of the municipality, 60.1 % is arable land and 22.6 % is occupied by forests. The terrain is mostly rolling plain, plateau-like, with altitude from 130 to 485 m. The climate is moderate continental. Today Popovo is the centre of a municipality with well-structured economy, developed road transport, electric and gas-supply networks, efficiently operating telecommunication system. The most developed sectors include agriculture, live-stock breeding, wood-processing, light industry, trade and crafts. The more important enterprises and companies include: Rodina, Rosa, Kristera, Gazosnabdyavane-Popovo, Freshtex-Bulgaria, Stomaneni Profili, Antola, Geostroy, Forest Group, Agrosem, Ardea, Tandem B, Bratya Tomovi, etc. Agriculture is an important part of the municipality's economy. The natural setting provides favorable opportunities for developing plant-growing. 97% of the arable area constitutes fields planted with grain and forage plants, with wheat being the most common crop. The private sector is developing rapidly based mostly on the production and processing of agricultural produce and live-stock. The investments in this sector under the SAPARD program exceed EURO 5 million for the past 2 years. All industrial enterprises on the territory of the municipality were privatized. The municipality itself privatized successfully the major companies in the field of trade and services. The privatization of the two municipal companies Bakery and Confectionery, and Urban Development and Public Utilities is forthcoming. The municipality successfully applied for, and implemented projects under programs financed by the UNDP, ISPA, Beautiful Bulgaria, and the American Agency for International Development; as of 31.12.2004 their total value exceeded BGN 30,000,000. Efforts are mostly focused on participation in projects and investments for public works in the various settlements in the municipality. It is on of the towns offering guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria. The following were found in Popovo municipality: over 40 settlement mounds and prehistoric terraced settlements; more than 70 tumuli; over 50 ancient and medieval fortresses and remains of villages. The numerous ancient monuments make the area around Popovo and important center in the Lower Moesia Province. 6 km to west of the town, immediately along the road to Veliko Tarnovo, archaeological excavations and conservation works are currently under way on a Roman way-station from the 4-5 century. The town features well preserved architectural landmarks of the 19 and 20 century. The fertile land, the well-preserved environment, the diverse fauna and historical landmarks are evenly spread across the entire territory of the municipality. 3,560,000 sq. m were set aside for the purposes of public recreation, including forest parks, water and fishing bases, tourist and hunting huts and great opportunities for developing alternative tourism. The first-rate hunting tourism facilities in the villages of Elenovo, Golyamo Gradishte and the Marinka Laka locality near the town Popovo are a major attraction for hunters from all over Europe. The development of tourism is favored by the woodlands around the villages of Goritsa, Dolets, Ivancha, Kovachevec, Palamartsa, Aprilovo. Old growth forests cover an extensive area in the southwest part of the municipality. The beautiful nature along the valley of Golyamata Reka and its clean water provide excellent conditions for weekend and fishing tourism.
OpakaIn terms of location Opaka Municipality has the advantage to be close to Rousse city - at 70 km distance, which ensures fast and easy access to the northern border of Bulgaria. At 15 km from Opaka town is Popovo railway station. Rousse airport and Targovishte airport are near as well. The relief of the Municipality is hilly (mountainous), and along the Cherni Lom River course it is flat. The altitude above sea level varies from 180 to 200 m. The river network includes the Cherni Lom River and its tributaries. The following enterprises operate in the Municipality: workshops of Rodina Popovo OOD and Lesso Export Import, Troyan town; workshop for bricks production owned by Progress -94 Cooperative, Opaka town; Balgarski Bergman, Garchinovo village, two dairies - one in Golyamo Gradishte village and one in Krepcha village. Agriculture is well developed in the Municipality. Stockbreeding includes animals for milk and meat, the main role in it belonging to private producers. The natural and geographic conditions are favorable for growing cereals, grassy fodder crops and perennial crops. Tobacco growing is traditional, the main producer being Virginia 2000 OOD, Opaka town. It is on of the towns offering guaranteed rental income in Bulgaria. The nature and climate of the Municipality are favorable for tourism development. Treti Mart hotel is located in Gorsko Ablanovo village. The archeological studies have shown тхат the area was inhabited in the remote antiquity - evidence is the existence of Thracian mounds along the Cherni Lom River course, Roman fortresses, and Slavonic burials. Near Krepcha village there is a rock monastery, where the oldest proto-Bulgarian inscription (of the year 921) was found.

Моментна снимка от Търговище

Моментна снимка от Търговище